Saturday, May 06, 2006

Alcoholica No More

Metallica is inching ever-closer to joining the exclusive club of rock bands with waning relevance in today's music. After dropping Jason Newsted and doing a 180 musically, Metallica just isn't what it used to be. Granted all bands go through periods of growth, but their last effort St. Anger seemed more a degeneration. By definition, metal bands have extended solos.

Metallica emerged from silence yesterday to announce that recording with Rick Rubin is going well: But he says the current project, which is being produced by Rick Rubin, is "going great because everyone is present and everyone is enjoying the process. The process is a lot easier. [Drummer] Lars [Ulrich] and I would butt heads daily. It would be going to war every day. You'd suit up in your armor before you go in the studio. Battling back and forth. Now it's helping each other do the best of their ability. It's all moving toward the same goal instead of pulling back." Oh, also that Hetfield is being honored for his "devotion to helping other addicts with the recovery process." Required listening: Ride the Lightning, Kill Em All