Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Hmm. The busiest travel day of the year, huh. People are such idiots sometimes, too often flocking like ignorant herds of sheep. Everyone knows today is pretty much the worst day to travel, especially flying. Yet, they will still book their tickets for the day before Thanksgiving. I don't understand. Why not just wait until early the next morning to travel? You'll sure as shit beat the traffic!

No appropriate segue to this, but it had to be presented. Before leaving work today, I was shown the mug of one Tony Ferrari. He is one creepy-looking motherfucker. Clear your mind for a moment and take a look at his cranium! Probably exacerbated by his doctors dropping him post-birth upon seeing his freakish nature. If his looks aren't enough to scare you, check out the mission statement on the website:

We are the Children of the Multiprismed Light and
we are here for you.
We're so glad you found us.
We've been waiting a long time.
We can promise you a cleaner, clearer, and more blissful way of life. Forget your troubles and unload your material trappings on our doorstep to join a family of love and understanding.

As a group, we are working together to form a new, more enlightened, way of living as the dawn of the 3rd millennium is upon us. Join us and eventually unfold the centuries old unspoken truths of our ancestors and how we are descended from majesty. Learn where we are going and how our new lives together will guide your ultimate destiny!!

Fuckin weirdos man. I bet it's some kind of cult and they're all dead by the end of the year. Mark my words, damn it!

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