Friday, November 18, 2005

Turn That Shit Down, Part Deux

Yesterday I had a gripe about how people on the train always play their shitty music too loud. Today there is an article on Rolling Stone about hearing loss. Some of the findings are quite fascinating, especially since I listen to my iPod every day. And based on the data cited in the article, it's already too late to save my own hearing.

On average, Fligor found that you can safely listen to over-the-ear headphones with a player set at level six (out of ten) for an hour a day. For most in-the-ear headphones, like the earbuds that come with most MP3 players, the acceptable time at that level is less -- around thirty minutes for some models before you've exceeded your safe daily dose.

The article then goes on to cite 5 tips to prevent hearing loss:

1. Wear Earplugs: Just put them in. If you think doing so is uncool, then you're a two-bit tart.

2. Turn it down: Don't get me started again. See last post.

3. Get better headphones: Totally. The ones that come with the iPod blow.

4. Give your ears a rest: And don't forget to use a q-tip to wax those motherfuckers.

5. Quit Smoking: Losing your hearing shouldn't be the incentive to get you to quit smoking.