Saturday, September 09, 2006


You're truly not a universal icon until your likeness is used for bobble-head and action figures (Moichendising, Moichendising). If I were to compare myself to an action figure, it would definitely be Stretch Armstrong, the lankiest, skinniest dude in the toy market. Do I remind you of any other toys? And now onetime grunge heads, 10 years past their prime, can purchase a piece of musical history with the Kurt Cobain action figure. Kur(d)t has finally reached a new high in his posthumous career. The icon of modern rock is immortalized once again as an action figure. This second action figure is based on his appearance in the 1993 MTV Unplugged special. Cobain comes with his acoustic guitar, a chair, microphone, and music stand. Expertly sculpted and highly detailed, this figure is a must-have for Cobain and Nirvana fans! Item is due to ship by late December, 2006. (via FMQB and Wizarduniverse)