Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Shit Hits Fan

I think now is the time to weigh in on what's happening in Israel. Some may think I'm a cynic for saying so, but I don't think peace is really a viable option in the Middle East. The only way such a "miracle" can happen is if terrorist organizations (and their state sponsors) recognize Israel as a legitimate entity; and that textbooks fed to impressionable minds have accurate maps of the Jewish State. After this first step is complete, that's when peace will become a viable option. But you and I both know that won't happen anytime soon.

Israel has the right to protect itself from terrorists, like any other country would. Why the double standard? A foreign entity enters your land, kidnaps 2 of your bretheren while slaying others, then returns to their homeland. Therefore you can't honestly tell me that Israel's reaction is too severe. They are a country virtually surrounded by nations that want them off the map. Israel will protect itself and will be victorious.

Lastly, I was reading Dark Stuff, and he had a link to this great site. This person is documenting first hand his experiences taking cover in a bomb shelter.