Saturday, February 04, 2006

Cartoon Violence

I saw this on Dark Stuff this morning and completely agree with his view. The recent uproar against these cartoons is not uproar. It should be seen as an excuse for further violence against the West. ----------------------------------------------------------

What Does It Take To Start a Cartoon Controversy?

You no do have read about the wave of violence that has erupted throughout the Muslim world over a cartoon published in a Danish newspaper. The violence has spread like a wildfire into Muslim communities throughout Europe as well. The editor of a French newspaper was fired for re-printing the "offensive" cartoon. I am showing two of the cartoons here on The Dark Stuff, not because I am anti-Muslim, or that I agree with the message of the cartoons (I'm not even 100% sure what the original context of the images is). I am showing it because of the enormous hypocrisy of the protesters. This cartoon has prompted calls from Muslim extremists to kidnap or attack all Europeans in Arab countries, and has prompted a boycott of Danish businesses. The protests are very violent and incendiary. They are full of threats of terrorism against anyone who prints the cartoons -- and calls for the "extermination" of those who "slander" Islam. Here is a collage of photos of the violence around the world.I wonder how many of these same folks sat back, smoked their pipes and laughed when the following cartoons were printed in the Arab media:Take a brief visit to the Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) website ( and you will find numerous anti-semitic cartoons that are published on an almost daily basis in the state-run Arab media. I think the word you are looking for is...hypocrisy. Yeah, that's it.