Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ramones Interview, 1976

Rolling Stone conducted an interview with everyone's favorite punk group back in 1976, early in their career. The RS website has a link to the original interview, including typos and all. I got a kick out of reading it because of my advantage of hindsight. It's nice to read about a momentous time with a band that jump-started an alternative rock movement (the other prominent band to do this of course was Nirvana).

As for the magazine....well these were their glory days. In the past few years, the magazine has taken a complete nosedive. A nosedive in both content and depth. Rather than reporting on new music, you get the same classic rock artists to grace the cover most months of the year. Their album reviews tend to favor classic rock, and try almost too hard to please everyone else. Not to mention the number of ads in the friggin thing. For all that and more, I decided not to renew my subscription. I'd rather read Blender.