Monday, January 09, 2006

Why Ruin a Children's Book?

What's with all the live action cartoon movies that have suddenly taken over Hollywood? It's nearly impossible to pull off a cartoon with human actors. What seems to happen in these films is CGI's wind up dominating anyway. And in my eyes, if you're going to us a CGI, you might as well just stick with the original cartoon.

The latest one to jump on the bandwagon was never a cartoon, but can definitely be categorized in this group. Rather it was a favorite childhood book of mine, Where the Wild Things Are. Please someone explain to me, why? Why soil the story with a movie? Everything you needed was in those few pages, no more detail necessary. Stop ruining a good thing.

What's going to be next, Tikki Tikki Tembo or Goodnight Moon? I won't be suprised.

(via I Watch Stuff)