Monday, October 24, 2005

Apple Gets Another Class Action Suit

First Apple was sued over iPod's falsely advertised battery life. There was a settlement for that. Now, they are being sued again for the brittle iPod Nano.

"Consumers have filed a proposed class action lawsuit in San Jose, California, on Wednesday, claiming the Nano scratched "excessively during normal usage" and alleged Apple released the product knowing the problems and led consumers to believe it was durable -- forcing them to shoulder the cost of replacing defective music players."

It's easy to jump on the bandwagon and become an Apple-hater. Yet, I do believe that Apple should spend more time on R&D before releasing updated iPods. I mean at this rate we should expect 4 new iPod models each year. They just need to slow down; and shouldn't be worried because Apple already owns 75% of U.S. market share for mp3 players.

(via CNN)