Monday, April 18, 2005

Personalize NIN

IMG allmusic

Now the biggest NIN fans can LEGALLY create their own mixes of Trent's songs. And that's exactly what he wants you to do:

"For quite some time I've been interested in the idea of allowing you the ability to tinker around with my tracks - to create remixes, experiment, embellish or destroy what's there...“What I'm giving you in this file is the actual multi-track audio session for ‘the hand that feeds’ in GarageBand format. This is the entire thing bounced over from the actual Pro Tools session we recorded it into..."

I get the feeling that this idea will contribute to further piracy and copyright infringement. Now millions of people will come up with unique mixes that can potentially find their way onto kazaa and limewire for more people to download. It's great that Trent is shrinking the gap between fan and performer, but he better understand that it might translate to less royalty money in the future.