Saturday, September 24, 2005

Being 24

My 24th birthday came and went yesterday. Another year older, so they say. However, I definitely don't feel that way. Seriously, how could I when at work someone wishes me well and asks if it's my 12th birthday? My counter was that it was in fact my 16th.

This coming from a dude who still gets carded at movie theaters in suburbia, can't grow sideburns to save a life, and is a skinny twerp with no chest hair (thank God). During my recent trip to Atlantic City, I was carded at the same craps table at the Borgata no less than four times.

Regardless of what people think, it doesn't get me down. The conclusion to be drawn from this mess is that everyone is jealous of my boyish looks. Many people at 24 already look past their prime. Well guess what? I'm laughing all the way to...